Thank you for contacting me. This is just my opinion and other pastors may see it differently.
I think that in the Old Testament passage which you mentioned that God is mainly talking about cutting, piercing and tattoos in connection with some ritual or worship of another god.
But it could also be that He doesn't like these things at all. My own opinion is that most cutting these days is a result of psychic pain, upset, and self loathing. This person needs love and understanding. By forgiving (dropping resentment against) those who hurt the person, they become open to receive God's love and the pain goes away and along with it the desire for self destructive behaviors.
As far as piercing and tattoos go, I do not judge a person who has them. But I do not think they are wise. They evidence either mindless conformity to something useless and silly; or they evidence vanity of the most petty and personal variety. Or perhaps a lack of common sense, unaware parents, or, in an older person, just weak character.
Of course I have more understanding for young persons who has tattoos or piercings. Chances are they are just going along with others. Chances are they have weak or rotten parents who fail to set a good example or against which the young person is rebelling.
But if I see a 50 year old man with earrings, I suspect weak character. Sorry, that's just the way I see it.
I'm not picking on tattoos or piercing. I also see something not quite right about people who wear flip flops all the time. We humans should be always at the ready to work and be useful. Flip flops are for the shower room or around a pool, not for the practical work a day world.
There is something rebellious or vain in a silly way about some types of attire. Since no one has to have a tattoo, for example, I think it is wise and common sense to just not get one. Better safe than sorry, as my mother used to say.